
for Student


First Programming – Python for AI – step 1

Times:5 sessions



(1) Purpose and content of the course

This is a lecture-style course for those who are new to programming and AI, and provides a basic introduction to the Python programming language, which is necessary for working with AI. The course covers basic Python syntax, including numerical computation, string input/output, control statements, and functions. It is recommended to take this course in combination with “First Programming – Python for AI – step 1 (Exercises),” which focuses on exercises on the lecture content. After attending this course, students can learn how to write in Python by attending First Programming – Python for AI – step 2.

(2) Content of each session

Session 1: Environment Construction

Regarding the content and schedule of this course, first, an overview of Python will be given. Next, the environment of Google Colaboratory (or “Colab”), which allows users to run Python on a browser, will be built, and the basic usage of how to execute code and link files with Google Drive will be taught. Then, to help beginners understand what programming is, they will learn the basics such as input/output and variables. In addition, they will run sample code related to AI to get an overview of the knowledge gained in the course. In addition, time will be set aside for solving exercises to deepen the understanding of the lecture.

Session 2: Types and Operators

Students will learn basic grammatical structures such as types, arithmetic operators, and comparison operators. First, the differences between types such as str, int, float, etc. will be explained, and students will learn how to use type conversion, etc. Then, the arithmetic operators +, int, float, etc., will be explained. Then, arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, /, //, %, and ** will be explained, and students will learn how to concatenate strings using + and how to use the assignment operator +=. Next, comparison operators ==, <, >, etc. will be explained, and logical expressions using and, or, etc., will be taught. Finally, functions for input and output, such as input and format, and how to handle strings, such as slices, will be explained. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of the lecture content by applying and practicing what they have learnt through exercises.

Session 3: Data Structures and Branching (“if” Statements)

Students will learn the basic grammar of data structures such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, etc., and branching using “if” statements. First, the lecture will explain arrays by using concrete examples of lists, and how to use slices and add elements to arrays. Then, students will learn the difference between immutable and mutable by using concrete examples of tuples. Next, students will learn how to use objects with specific uses, such as dictionaries and sets. Furthermore, “if,” “else,” and “elif” statements will be explained, and students will learn how to create branches in conjunction with conditional expressions. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of the lecture through exercises.

Session 4: Loop (for statement)

Students will learn how to write loops using “for” and “while” statements. First, the lecture will explain what a loop is and how to use it by using concrete examples of “for” statements. Then, students will learn how to nest loops by using double “for” statements. Next, students will learn how to use complex loops with “while,” “break,” and “continue” statements. Furthermore, iterable objects such as lists and ranges, and their usage with enumerate, zip, etc., will be explained and how to apply them to loops will be covered. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of the lecture through exercises.

Session 5: Functions

In this session, students will learn how to use functions such as arguments, return values, recursive functions, and lambda expressions. First, students will learn how to define functions using “def” and “return” statements, and how to use arguments and return values. Then, recursive functions and higher-order functions of function arguments are explained, as well as how to use them, using concrete examples. Next, students will learn how to use functions with complex arguments such as keyword arguments and default arguments. Finally, students will learn how to use advanced functions such as lambda expressions and map functions.
