

AY2022 SOZO VENTURES training course  Activity report

2023.02.11  written by 

On 13 December 2022, a workshop on the latest developments in Silicon Valley and innovation was held by Sozo Ventures in the main conference room of the Kyoseikan (Collaboration Complex) on Keio’s Hiyoshi Campus.


The 90-minute course was attended in-person by 8 students with a further 10 students attending online.

The course was very rich in content, as it was full of information exclusive to leading venture capital (VC) firms, due to the fact that the general public’s understanding of successful ventures and VCs is vastly different from reality. Participants were able to ask many questions, and the results of the post-lecture questionnaire showed that the students were highly satisfied with the workshop.

Participants’ comments (excerpts)

・It was a very valuable opportunity and I appreciated being able to take part.

・I enjoyed hearing the rare insights and it helped me consider several things about my future career. ・It was a very worthwhile class for me, especially to hear real stories from a top level VC firm.


We would like to thank Sozo Ventures for organizing this insightful training course on ventures and VCs.
